Rowland Cemeteries

There are about 130 cemeteries in the Find-A-Grave cemetery database which carry the Rowland (and variants) name in reference to a surname or location. North Carolina leads the way with 22 Rowland cemeteries. Additionally, Find-A-Grave has approximately 64,000 Rowland memorials for people interred in these and other cemeteries (as of Aug 8, 2021). Here are the Rowland cemeteries, organized/alphabetized by Country, State, and County.

The approximate number of Rowland (and variants) memorials in the Find-A-Grave memorial database are noted for each location. The majority of Rowlands are buried in non-Rowland cemeteries.

Australia (2)

Approximately 2,600 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

England (1)

Approximately 4,900 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

  • Rowlands Churchyard: 35 Rowlands Road, Summerseat, Metropolitan Borough of Bury, Greater Manchester, BL9 5NF England. Memorials: 0 Rowland, 44 Total.

France (3)

Approximately 360 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

United States (124)

Approximately 50,000 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Alabama (4)

Approximately 700 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Arkansas (2)

Approximately 1,700 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

  • Rowland Family Cemetery: Rural, on the Rowland-Jones farm, Ethel, Arkansas County, Arkansas. Memorials: 4 Rowland, 4 Total.
  • Rowland Cemetery: Valley Springs, Boone County, Arkansas. Memorials: 9 Rowland, 12 Total.

Georgia (12)

Approximately 2,800 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Illinois (4)

Approximately 1,700 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Indiana (4)

Approximately 1,200 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Iowa (3)

Approximately 1,000 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Kansas (1)

Approximately 1,000 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Kentucky (14)

Approximately 32,300 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Louisiana (1)

Approximately 300 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Michigan (1)

Approximately 1,000 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Mississippi (5)

Approximately 900 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Missouri (6)

Approximately 2,100 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

New York (4)

Approximately 3,000 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

North Carolina (22)

Approximately 1,900 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Ohio (4)

Approximately 3,700 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Oregon (1)

Approximately 500 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Oklahoma (3)

Approximately 1,300 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Pennsylvania (5)

Approximately 3,900 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

South Carolina (3)

Approximately 900 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

South Dakota (1)

Approximately 150 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

  • Rolland Cemetery: White, Brookings County, South Dakota. Memorials: o Rolland, 1 Total.

Tennessee (12)

Approximately 2,200 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

Texas (4)

Approximately 2,600 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

  • Rowland Cemetery: Caldwell, Burleson County, Texas. Memorials: 14 Rowland, 396 Total.
  • Coats-Horton-Roland Cemetery: Westminster, Collin County, Texas. Memorials: 6 Roland, 11 Total.
  • Roland Family Cemetery: Sylvan, Lamar County, Texas. Memorials: 7 Roland, 7 Total.
  • Rowland Cemetery: Bryarly, Red River County, Texas. Memorials: 0 Rowland, 18 Total. The earliest marked burial is that of Robert Hamilton, signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence, who died in 1843.

Virginia (8)

Approximately 1,600 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

West Virginia (2)

Approximately 300 memorials at Find-A-Grave.

  • Roland Family Cemetery: Bluefield, Mercer County, West Virginia. Memorials: 5 Roland, 5 Total.
  • Rowland Cemetery: Located between Old Gardner Road and Brush Creek Road, Gardner, Mercer County, West Virginia. Memorials: 18 Rowland, 43 Total.


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