Rowland Genealogy today (August 1, 2020) announced the launch of its new website and the Rowland Xref Project., whose tag line is “More than just a tree” truly is more. Instead of focusing on a single ancestral line, Rowland Genealogy encompasses all aspects of the Rowland surname around the globe. Its goal is to be a valuable resource for any genealogist or interested family member with a Rowland ancestor in their family tree. “Rowland” is the most popular spelling of the surname, but the site also includes many variations including Roland, Rolland, Rowlands, and Ruland.
The newly announced Rowland Xref Project has an objective of cross-referencing (Xref) all Rowland Y-DNA test takers with their ancestral family trees. To date, the collaborative ancestral database contains more than 10,000 Rowland profiles and dozens of descendant-style trees of identified Rowland patriarchs. By any measure, the popularity of DNA testing for genealogical purposes is on the rise. However, putting the two together for more than a single-family tree has never before been attempted.
Are you related to a famous Rowland? Did your Rowland ancestor fight in the American Revolution? Have you ever been to Mount Rowland or seen Rowland Crater? As promised, Rowland Genealogy is more than just a tree. It is also more than just a DNA website. There’s an extensive list of all things Rowland — people, places, and things. From the quaint little Rowland Family Cemetery in Mosquito Crossing, Georgia to the impressive Rowland Institute for Science at Harvard, the Rowland name has literally been placed on hundreds of places, buildings, and more.
If you are a Rowland researcher, then you will love the site’s collection of published Rowland genealogical works. You can download and access them for no charge. Rowland Genealogy is not limited to just the Rowland name either. There’s a general genealogy section with a resource guide to genealogy websites and an understandable introduction to genetic genealogy. Stop by and see us today at

fantastic resources .
Awesome information!