Canadian Rowland Genealogy Added to Library

The first document featuring a Canadian Rowland family was added to our “free downloads” library. We owe a special thanks to Darrell Grant, author of “Tracing Our Rowland Ancestors, A Search Into Their Past: Canada–Wales–England.” Darrell currently lives in Okotoks, Foothills County, Alberta, Canada. It’s just a few miles south of Calgary and has been home to his Rowland family for the past 140 years. It is also the home of Oktokos Erratic (aka “Big Rock”) shown in the image above.

Darrell takes us backward in time starting with Arthur Wensley Rowland (1850-1922). He traces his line from Alberta to Upper Canada (now known as Ontario) to Wrexham, Wales, to Chester, England, and then southward along the River Dee to Aldford and Shocklach. The 35-page document includes his family history narrative along with sixteen appendices of sources, photographs, maps, and family trees stretching back to the early 1700s.

With the addition of this Canadian Rowland genealogy document, we now have 30 products related to various Rowland families available on our free downloads page.

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