
History of Rowland Hill Rowland, Woodbridge, Suffolk, by Rev. Ivan Moore, ~1980


“History of Rowland Hill Rowland of Woodbridge, Suffolk, England” by Rev. Ivan Moore, the husband of Anita Rowland the eldest grand child of Rowland Hill Rowland.  Photographs added in 2009, 14 pages.  This document was first published for the Suffolk Local History Council and was written in the early 1980’s.


“History of Rowland Hill Rowland of Woodbridge, Suffolk, England” by Rev. Ivan Moore, the husband of Anita Rowland the eldest grand child of Rowland Hill Rowland.  Photographs added in 2009, 14 pages.  This document was first published for the Suffolk Local History Council and was written in the early 1980’s. Rev. Ivan Moore was a well known historical writer and specialised in Roman Suffolk.

Rowland Hill Rowland (1845-1929) was the man behind “Rowlands of The Thoro’fare” in Woodbridge. His business career began in Halstead, Essex in the old Knights Ironmonger’s shop under the trade name of Harrington, Rowland, and Minter.  R H Rowland moved to Woodbridge about 1876 and the import/export “department store” business prospered under the Rowland name.  The document contains many photos of the family, premises, store goods, and his inventions.

This document was contributed by Nick Rowland.



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