Rowland Y-DNA Group M traces back more than 500 years in Essex, England.
Blue shading indicates new/change from a prior update Red shading indicates a conflict between the DNA and WikiTree Haplogroups in green are confirmed by SNP testing, while haplogroups in red are predicted
Descendant Tree
All members of this group have been linked in WikiTree (except the Sidgwick, where the common ancestor was before the common use of surnames).
Descendant Locations: Essex, England; Suffolk, England; Devon, England; Queensland, Australia
Group M Cladogram
Information on how to construct and interpret a cladogram is located in Rowland YDNA Cladograms.
Migration Maps
The migration map application is limited to nine generations. Therefore, this figure illustrates the migration of the descendants of Peter Rowland (1670-1742). All generations prior to Peter remained in the Coggeshall, Essex area.
The color coding indicates most of the migrations took place in the 19th century.
The line heading west to Oregon, United States is in error and should be pointing to the Dardanelles Strait, Turkey where Frank Dennis Rowland (1878-1915) perished in World War I.
Editor’s Note: Guest author Nick Rowland explores the Ancient Connections feature at FamilyTreeDNA and explains how knowing history helps in understanding your DNA ethnicity results. Many of us will have taken an Autosomal DNA test to help with tracing our ancestry, these are the tests that Ancestry, MyHeritage, 23andMe, FTDNA, and some others offer. The… Read more: Using Ancient DNA Connections and History to Interpret Your Ethnicity Results
Editors’ Note: Guest author Nick Rowland contemplates the possibility that one of his ancestral relatives arrived in North America (Newfoundland) about 500 years before Columbus. By the way, Nick lives in England and is still trying to locate a North American Rowland relative who shares his Rowland Group M Y-DNA. Take a Y-DNA test to… Read more: Did My Relative Beat Columbus?
Editor’s note: Guest author Nick Rowland has graciously contributed this article to Rowland Genealogy. Nick, currently a resident of Sussex, is the leading genealogical researcher of the Rowland family of Essex, England, from which he descends. He has documented this line back to the 1500s and has used Y-DNA to confirm common ancestry back to… Read more: Rowland DNA Group M Update
Guest author and genealogist Nick Rowland took the Big-Y DNA test and learned his male line is more Viking than British. He has graciously allowed us to present his story here at Rowland Genealogy. —— The Essex Rowland Family Story from 10,000 BCE to 2020 CE This is the possible early history of our Essex,… Read more: The Essex Rowland Family Story from 10,000 BCE to 2020 CE
The Rowland Xref Project released its 10 Most Wanted list for December 2020. It contains the 10 Rowland Y-DNA groups and Rowland Family Trees that are most in need of your help. If you have any information regarding the subject DNA or genealogies on this most wanted list, then please contact the Rowland Xref Project… Read more: 10 Most Wanted – December 2020
Thanks for the Cladogram Ron, much appreciated.