
The Binkley Family (w/ Roland), Jonathan Binkley, 1984


“The Binkley Family w/ Bloyer, Cheeseman, Cromwell, Morgan, Rittenour, Roland, Shaffer, Whisler”, compiled by Jonathan A Binkley, self-published 1984, Toledo, Ohio, 117 pages. The Roland section (pages 85 to 97) covers the Roland family starting in Berks County, Pennsylvania with Joseph Roland (1812-1868) and Catharine Haines (1816-1869).  They moved to Ogle County, Illinois in the 1860s.  Many relatives remained in Berks County, some settled in Ogle and other Illinois counties, while others continued their westward movements to Iowa and beyond.


“The Binkley Family w/ Bloyer, Cheeseman, Cromwell, Morgan, Rittenour, Roland, Shaffer, Whisler”, compiled by Jonathan A Binkley, self-published 1984, Toledo, Ohio, 117 pages.  Covers the Binkley and allied families from the late 1600s in Switzerland to the 1960s scattered across the United States.  The Roland section (pages 85 to 97) covers the Roland family starting in Berks County, Pennsylvania with Joseph Roland (1812-1868) and Catharine Haines (1816-1869).  They moved to Ogle County, Illinois in the 1860s.  Many relatives remained in Berks County, some settled in Ogle and other Illinois counties, while others continued their westward movements to Iowa and beyond.

The Roland section includes seven pages of text, including letters with first-hand accounts of life during the Civil War period.  There are six pages of family trees showing the multiple generations of the descendants of Joseph Roland and Catharine Haines.

The DNA Group for this family is currently unknown and has been temporarily categorized as DNA Group Berks (Berks County, Pennsylvania).



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